Tuğberk Duman - Project Manager, Business value | Essi Pihlajamäki - Business value | Hanna Remula - UI & UX Design, Photography | Ali Waris - UI & UX Design, Programming | Philipp Weitz - Main Developer, Programming




Sunday 28 September 2014

Week 1: Starting the Project

The project started with the Demola Fall 2014 Kick-Off, where we finally got to meet each other and the Demola staff.

As a team we discussed the project's goals, and team member's areas of expertise and our experience. We decided to choose Tuğberk for project manager. We also agreed to meet weekly on Thursdays. We started also the discussion of the project goals, and the basic roles which each of us would have in this project. Because there was the initial meeting with Vincit organized for next week's Friday, we decided to think what should we ask from the project partner about the project. The other task for everyone in the team was to got familiarized with the basics of designing process for Google Glass. Also the Facebook group for the internal communication for the team was created.

We explored some information about designing for Google Glass. We found few very useful guidelines for the start of this project. The first one is provided by Google developers: Start building great Glassware. It includes tools for designing, developing and distributing the glassware. The second one is about Building Your First Glass App - a very practical tutorial for aspiring Google Glass Developers. 

We are all looking forward to meet the Vincit next week!

Thursday 25 September 2014

About the Project: Google Glass for Traffic Warden

Welcome to the project blog for the Demola Project 'Google Glass for Traffic Warden'. We are working on this project for autumn 2014 and it is finished in January 2015. The project partner is Vincit and it is organized by Demola Tampere.

 The timetable

The goal of this project?
It is to implement a software running on Google Glass, which automatically recognizes license plates of parked cars and shows information whether their parking fee has expired. - tampere.demola.net
So, what are we doing in this project? 
Project involves at least implementation of the software for the Google Glass, most probably an application for Android which communicates with the Glass, and a backend for storing the data. Project also needs to be concepted further, and UIs have to be designed.  - tampere.demola.net
Our five member student team includes expertise in several areas - business, programming, user interface and experience design - just few of these to mention. The team is introduced later on this blog.

We all are really enthusiastic for to start this project. More is to come - stay tuned!